Business Tips

Differences Between Gross And Net Profit (And Why Neither Matter Unless You Get Paid

Differences Between Gross And Net Profit (And Why Neither Matter Unless You Get Paid

Wondering if you’re doing everything you can to boost revenue and cut costs? Or if your business is actually more profitable this year than it was last?

The best way to answer these questions is with a thorough assessment of profitability.

That’s where gross and net profit calculations come in. These are two of the most important metrics for measuring your capacity to generate earnings relative to costs and expenses.

Let’s take a look at the differences between gross and net profit, and what they can reveal about the financial health of your business.

Eight Things Your Invoice Needs In Order To Get Paid Faster

Eight Things Your Invoice Needs In Order To Get Paid Faster

So you’ve set up your business and sold some products and services. Now, you have to send an invoice to collect your payment. But what should you include on your invoices in order to get paid faster?

Even if you’ve been running your business for a while, you might be missing other information that you should include. So here is a step-by-step guide on what to include on your invoices.

Ten Money Saving Tips For Freelancers

Ten Money Saving Tips For Freelancers

While working at home as a freelancer sounds like the ultimate dream for anyone who tires of the rat race, freelancers still have more than their fair share of financial matters to worry about. In fact, perhaps the most important trait that any freelancer should have is the ability to be fully responsible and accountable to themselves, and saving money is something that you will be wholly responsible for.